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Revised 'Reclassify Transactions' feature for QBO-Accountant Tools

Intuit has revised the Reclassify Transactions feature available within the QBO-Accountant tools.

QBO Balance Sheet with Classes

Recently, I have heard several times that users are not able to create the Balance Sheet by Classes in QuickBooks Online. The great news for these...

What if: I see changes by System Administration in my QBO Audit Log?

There are several reasons you might see changes posted in the QuickBooks Online Audit Log as System Administration.If you modify an entry that also...

12 Steps to Manual Payroll in QuickBooks 2018 Desktop

Each New Year a lot of people using QuickBooks try to decide if they are going to renew their 'payroll subscription', or if they can somehow use...

What If: I Need to configure Windows Firewall for QuickBooks

A reader wrote in asking how they should configure the Windows Firewall so that they could use QuickBooks Desktop in multi-user mode on their local...

Progress Invoicing for QuickBooks Online - Part 1

It's taken a long time.  An eternity, or so it seems for some people, but Progress Invoicing has finally arrived to QuickBooks Online. Oh sure, some...

A Rose by Any 'Other Name'

The Other Names list found in QuickBooks Desktop has been around a long, long time. It provides a place to capture the information of persons or...

What If: QuickBooks Payroll Taxes Are Not Computing?

A QuickBooks user asked us: "I have been using QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll for QuickBooks Desktop, and my payroll has been working just find. Today,...

QuickBooks Online Database and API

Two of the courses I'll be teaching this year at "Scaling New Heights" deal with the QuickBooks Online Database in one way or another. One class –...

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