I'm remembering April 19th 1995 today.

I rise especially early on this day so I can head to a cemetery not too many miles from my home in order to set out a small American Flag at the grave of my friend, Ted L. Allen, who was killed in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. 

Today, as you read this many will be gathered at the Oklahoma City National Memorial for time of remembrance of the tragedy that took place 29 years ago. While many survivors, first responders and downtown workers choose to attend the formal ceremony, I choose a different path of remembrance, typically alone at my friend's grave.

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William Murphy

William (Bill) Murphy, better known as "Murph," is in charge of all things related to content. Murph is an Advanced Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor with over 30 years of consulting experience. For many years he was the “anchor” of the National Advisor Network’s online forum and three-time consecutive winner of the NAN Online MVP award. Murph has published articles in numerous industry publications and served as Technical Editor for Business Analysis with QuickBooks by Wiley Publishing.

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