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Enhanced List Search in QuickBooks 2024 (Desktop)

Written by William Murphy | Jul 30, 2024 9:45:45 PM
About QuickBooks 2024 Enhanced List Search Features

For 2024, enhancements have been made to the Search Look-up functionality related to the lists for Memorized Transactions, Payroll Items and Fixed Asset Items. Until now, customers had to scroll through list items—or even transactions—to identify a specific item they were looking for.

Memorized Transactions

The new feature enables users to search the transactions in the Memorized Transaction list easily.

  • Open the Memorized Transaction list (shown below) by selecting Lists from the QuickBooks Menu bar, then choosing Memorized Transaction list.


  • Enter any text (transaction name, type, account, amount) in the Look for search box to a specific memorized transaction or group of similar transactions (shown below).

  • By default, All fields is set in the fields drop-down (shown above). To search for a match with your text across all fields in the list, leave the search set to All fields.
  • For searches within the Memorized Transaction list, you can limit your search to the Transaction Name/Group Name or the Source Account (shown below).

  • An initial search of the Memorized Transaction list for all checks identified only the check transactions (shown below).


This new feature also enables users to search within their initial search results.

  • Check the Search within the results checkbox, then enter any text (transaction name, type, account, amount) in the Look for box to perform a more restrictive search (shown below).
  • In the example (shown below), you can see how the previous search of checks was refined to searching only for Rent.

While this example is based on a limited number of memorized transactions, some users have hundreds of such transactions. This new feature will be highly beneficial for those users in finding a specific transaction or similar transactions.

Other List Searches

This new search feature also is available in the Payroll and Fixed Asset Item lists. The feature works the same way in those lists as in the Memorized Transaction list (shown above).

Of course, the specific search fields in the All fields drop-down list will differ by the list type. For example, in the Fixed Asset Item list (shown below), you will see fields specific to that list type.


Concluding Remarks

Remember to read Insightful Accountant daily for another article in our 2024 QuickBooks Desktop series.

Also, please attend our September "QB Talks" webinar, scheduled for 2 p.m. (EST) on Oct. 4, 2023 (the rescheduled date and time). Murph will bring you "A First Look at QuickBooks Desktop 2024." He will give you the Intuit hype regarding the new features and enhancements and his earnest opinion based on his testing experiences.

You can REGISTER HERE for the webinar.

If you miss our webinar, you will find a recording on the Insightful Accountant Home Page.


I want to thank the product managers, team leaders, developers, and Alpha/Beta test team members working behind the scenes, striving to deliver a new and better QuickBooks Desktop every year. It's far too easy to forget to thank these folks who "make QuickBooks a reality."

I especially appreciate Nipun Bhatia, Ninad Marathe, and Shobhit Sharma of the QuickBooks Desktop and Enterprise teams in India for assistance in affirming features and feature-related issues presented in this article. 

My special thanks go out to Intuit's Kim Amsbaugh, who always keeps me "in the loop."

Finally, to everyone involved at Intuit and the various QuickBooks teams, "Thank you."



Nomenclature used herein:

QuickBooks 2024 refers to all versions of QuickBooks Desktop 2024 and QuickBooks Enterprise (v24). [This designation may also appear as QB24.]

QuickBooks Desktop 2024 refers to all versions of QuickBooks Desktop Plus and QuickBooks Desktop Accountant for 2024. [This designation may also appear as QBD24.]

QuickBooks Enterprise 2024 refers to all versions of QuickBooks Enterprise v24 and QuickBooks Enterprise Accountant for 2024. [This designation may also appear as QBES24.]

Otherwise, products are referenced explicitly by individual product names.


Materials within this feature, including graphic illustrations, were developed from various pre-release versions of QuickBooks 2024.  As such, the final product version you acquire may appear, act or be somewhat different from that described or illustrated herein.

Portions of this feature have been adapted from Intuit QuickBooks Desktop 2024-related content, including in-product help resources. All such source materials were adapted by Insightful Accountant solely for educational purposes.

As used herein, QuickBooks, QuickBooks ProAdvisor, QuickBooks Desktop Plus, QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise (all versions), and QuickBooks Desktop Accountant refer to one or more registered trademarks of Intuit Inc., a NASDAQ "INTU" publicly traded corporation headquartered in Mountain View, California (USA).

Other trade names used herein, including any other vendor (app/software) products discussed, may be registered, trademarked, or otherwise held by their respective owners and are now acknowledged accordingly. They have been referenced for informational and educational purposes only.

This is an editorial feature, not sponsored content. No vendors within this article have paid Insightful Accountant or the author any remuneration to be included within this feature. This article is provided solely for informational and educational purposes.

The publication of this article does not represent any form of endorsement by either the Author or Insightful Accountant.

Note: Registered Trademark ® and Copyright © symbols have been eliminated from the articles within this publication for brevity due to the frequency or abundance with which they might otherwise appear or be repeated. We attempt to credit such trademarked products or copyrighted materials within our respective article footnotes and disclosures.