What Are Your Top Challenges for 2025?

I recently asked some members of our Advisory Panel about challenges they and their customers are facing in 2025.   Two of our members, Paul Slaney (PS) and Susan Cook (SC) replied with some insights I thought you might find useful and relateable.  We'd like to hear your challenges and answers as well, so send your responses to us via email.

GD:  What will be your biggest challenge in 2025?

PS: Developing a consolidated service offering. Clients want “one stop” shopping”.

SC: Keeping up with changing technology

GD: What will you do to prepare for that challenge?

PS: We are considering down sizing the number of clients we can “effectively” service. The quality of client service is key to client longevity.

SC: Reading newsletters, attending webinars, possibly attending conferences in person.  Networking with colleagues is very important.

GD: What do you anticipate will be the biggest challenge for your customers in 2025?

PS: We work primarily with service driven clients. The biggest concern we are hearing about is operational efficiency leading to cost savings.

SC: Preparing for economic uncertainties.

GD: How will you help them overcome this/these challenges?

PS:  We are “solution” oriented.  We are keying in on offering reasonably priced adversary services by maximizing the resources we have available to us.

SC:  Providing them with technology solutions and then training them how to implement them.  
Providing ongoing support to ensure they can interpret their accounting data so they can make timely decisions.

GD: How do you anticipate using Ai (artificial intelligence) in 2025 and where do you find training on using it?

PS: We use AI  for researching and admin tasks. AI at this point in time is “machine learning”. We would not use it to generate a finished product,

SC:  Meetings and training - want to try Zoom AI companion 
Customer training - want to send instructions and possibly videos 
Marketing- my marketing specialist is already adopting Ai to prepare blogs and newsletters and social media posts 
My own education - want to use it as an assistant for research 
Will find training through networking, webinars, newsletters, and conferences, also just jump in and try it out

Are you interested in becoming a member of our Advisory Panel?  Send an email to me and we'll connect

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Gary DeHart

Gary DeHart is co-founder and Managing Partner of Insightful Accountant with a career in business to business media. He has spent the last 17 years in media serving the accounting profession.

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