n the summer of 2017, the weeks leading up to that year’s Scaling New Heights conference – apparently I decided to write a blog post describing my experience the previous year, as encouragement for those who might be considering “taking the plunge” themselves. (For those of you who attended… how funny is my reference? I mean, come on. That’s just inspired.)
I say “apparently’ because this was seven years ago… and let’s be honest: I can’t remember what I posted on my blog last month. But I was going through my photos from the 2023 SNH “SOAR” event, and some wonderful themes emerged – so I decided to share a writeup; and to start, I looked up previous references to Scaling New Heights on my blog at The Dancing Accountant.
What I found was delightful, and validating -- my write-up of the 2016 SNH stands up, and the themes and core reasons for attending and engaging still ring true. But now there are so many added layers! It seems impossible, but from some angles I’m actually getting more out of Scaling than in my early days of participating.
I started working on a blog post recap of my takeaways from SNH, and in going through all my photos I thought, "wow, this would make such a good video," – which it does. So if you’d enjoy seeing, like, 600 pictures of me with some of my favorite people in the industry (one of the newer angles of enjoyment), check out this 20-minute summary. I also used it as a jumping-off point for a “next-level” – yes, that’s a direct quote from Hector Garcia – MSN article on Expert Tips for Attending Scaling New Heights.
Back to my core reasons for attending Scaling New Heights: