One of my favorite clients called and asked if I could create a Workers’ Compensation Report which could be run weekly. There were a couple of curve balls. The trick was they already used classes and so that was not an option, but QBO Payroll does have lesser known Workers’ Compensation Classes which can be assigned to an employee to create a comprehensive Workers' Comp Report.
By the way, this functionality is only available to QuickBooks Online users with an active payroll subscription. You can't use this feature in QBO without a payroll subscription since QuickBooks Online does not offer a 'manual payroll' (w/o subscription) functionality (as is available in Desktop versions of QuickBooks).
The Workers’ Comp tracking in QBO Payroll was designed for use in conjunction with Intuit’s workers’ comp partnered program but even without opting into the partnered insurance program you can create and track workers’ comp classes.
How to Add or Edit Workers’ Comp Classes for Employees
1) From the left-hand Navigation Bar, select Workers.
2) When the Workers Center opens, select the Employees tab.
3) Click on a Employee to begin the process of editing the Workers' Comp Class code for that employee.
4) When the Employee Information window opens, select the Employment tab.
5) Enter the appropriate Workers' Compensation Class code for the employee in the Workers' comp class field. If you are not certain which code to use, you should contact your Workers' Compensation insurance carrier for the codes appropriate to your personnel based upon the specific nature of the work each employee is performing.
Creating a Workers' Comp Class Report
Note: Since the Report Center is currently in transition, depending on the roll-out, you may or may not have the new report center. The steps below illustrate the pre-January-2018 Report Center, we will take you through the new report center steps in just a bit.
1) From the left-hand Navigation Bar, select Reports.
2) Select the All Reports tab.
3) Choose Manage Payroll.
4) Select Workers' Compensation
5) Edit the Date Range or Dates for the report and click the green Run Report button. The report reflects the Workers' Compensation Class codes (WCCC) along with related wage information for each WCCC.
Create a Workers' Comp Class Report (in the 'New' Report Center)
1) From the left-hand Navigation Bar, select Reports.
2) Select Payroll Reports.
3) Choose Workers' Compensation.
4) Edit the Date Range or Dates for the report and click the green Run Report button.
Tip #1. Workers’ Comp Reports cannot be memorized or shared using the standard report center. My work around was to create a Chrome Favorite on their Bookmark bar named “Works’ Comp Report”. Since they need the report ran for every payroll which is weekly they can open the Bookmarked Report filter the date and send it to their insurance provider.
Tip #2. Because the full Workers’ Comp Class tracking is not active unless you opt into Intuit’s workers’ comp partnered program you can not edit the Workers’ Comp Class list. Which means when adding classes to the employee make sure you use identical wording/spelling to avoid duplicates on the reports.
If you want to know more about Intuit’s Workers’ Comp partnered program you can use the link to the website.
Program Features and Benefits: